Nine Donkeys for Ethiopia: roromedia's Charitable Christmas Project

Nine Donkeys for Ethiopia: roromedia's Charitable Christmas Project

Continuing our tradition, roromedia has once again supported a charitable project this Christmas. Under the initiative titled "A Donkey for Progress," Caritas is running a special livestock project in Ethiopia*. We have donated one donkey for each of our nine roromedia team members to assist hardworking women in Ethiopia in improving their economic and social circumstances. This meaningful gift brings double joy!

Alleviating Burdens with Donkeys:

Every day, women in the Ethiopian highlands undertake challenging tasks of collecting firewood and water to support their families. These activities often involve hours of walking. For women who work up to 18 hours a day, bearing heavy loads, a donkey provides significant physical relief. However, most families lack the financial means to acquire an animal.

Caritas supports women's groups by providing financial assistance for acquiring donkeys, along with training on proper animal care, household management, women's rights, and environmental conservation. The provision of donkeys not only eases the daily workload of these women but also paves the way for a better future in a sustainable manner.

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